Saturday, February 13, 2010

Other Things on My Mind

January and February have been rough months for me.  Mostly relating to things at work - from decisions that have been made that I'm not happy with to getting in trouble for some vague random post that I put on Facebook.  My spirit has taken a bit of a beating these days.  I've spent a pile of time moping and hibernating hoping to get through it, and I suppose it has because I'm at a point where I'm sick of moping and I want my "Okay, let's move forward with what I've got" spirit back.  It's starting to come back, but I want to help it along.

As I've been going, three things have been suffering, spending real time with my boy, keeping up with things around the house and keeping up with my hobbies.

As for The Boy... I'm going to start doing something with him on the weekends.  One day on the weekend we will do something together.  Whether it's today's plan to go to Build-A-Bear or we just go for a walk or into the backyard together for an hour.  Something together.

As for the house... I already have a schedule that I know works.  I just need to do it.  For that I need energy and while it's super easy to just flop, I suspect I'll start feeling better if I actually DO something when I get home.  Momentum is killer - once I'm sitting down, it's *really* hard to get back up again!

As for my hobbies...  I need to start getting up and getting ready on time.  My goal is to be up and dressed by 7am - then I can practice my flute while I'm waiting for Lochlan to get ready.  It should work... assuming I can actually get my butt moving.  That's my goal for next week.

More on hobbies... I miss my camera.  I've really slacked off on taking picture of Lochlan and just of stuff.  So I'm going to start spending sometime on the weekends with my camera, and I want to get a new camcorder.  The Boy is such a chatterbox these days I would love to get his stories on video.  Our current camcorder is big and bulky and the battery is always dead.  So I want to get a new, compact camcorder that I can just keep with me and use as The Boy does neat stuff.

So Feb/March Goals:

1.  Get up and ready by 7am on weekdays and 10am on weekends.
2.  Doing something with The Boy on the weekends
3.  Practice my flute in the mornings before work
4.  Take more pictures - use time on the weekends to practice my photography
5.  Spend 15-20 minutes in the evening keeping up on house chores.

Hmmm... 5 things.  That's tough.  But I'm gonna try.  Wish me luck!!  I'll check in next week with my progress :)