Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A New Year, A New Beginning

Where to start...

I've never been the super skinny type - that said when I was younger, I never had a problem with my weight.  Somehow my metabolism changed, or my activity level changed, or my diet changed... or something and I started putting on weight.  I've been gaining steadily for about 10 years.  I'd gain some, then I'd stabilize, then gain some more.  The only downtrend was when I got pregnant - I was really, really good and ended up 20lbs lighter after my son was born.  This was good!  I went to Mommy & Baby exercise classes, I started Weightwatchers, I was doing good!

Then I went back to work.  Then work got more stressful and I started gaining again.  I gained back all I had lost plus an extra 20lbs.  My knees started to hurt, and I started walking that "fat person" walk.  I had troubles keeping up with my sons, and I run out of energy easily.

My biggest problem?

Self Indugence.

I love food, I love to eat good food and I really, really, really love chocolate.  And since I was always having a hard day I indulged and indulged and indulged.

Well, I hit a point in December when I just decided enough was enough.  My current methods of dealing with stress (chocolate and coca-cola classic) were no longer working for me.  So I decided that it was time to get serious about this.

Then my grandpa died.  Then it was Christmas.  So I decided that January 1 was the date.  That date I was going to get serious about eating properly, exercising and losing weight.